It has been six days since the government asked us to down tools and go home. I don't have a job that I can do at home, so time has been afforded to me. But what can I do with all this time and nowhere to go? Write? Cook? Exercise? Read? All those things are a given.
I'd like to say I have thrown myself into projects and hobbies long since forgotten. I cook as much as I used to, enjoying more relaxed lunchtimes. The noise of everyday life has gone and I am enjoying this slower pace. The time will come when I dive back into my pasta making, cake baking and such, but I have this sense that this must all lead to something big. There isn't anything I can do to help right now, other than stay at home. The supermarket is somewhere I normally look forward to going, spending time hunting the eyes for a new and exciting product. Now it is a trip of necessity. There is no joy in doing it anymore, the floors marked with two-metre barriers, a supermarket game of chess.
What joy I have managed to keep in my food shopping is visiting the local greengrocers. I work in town for most of the week so the local, affordable side of that escapes me. As much as I would love to buy all my produce from Central Market, I find the prices to be pretty high, in fact, higher than the supermarkets. This time has given me the opportunity to connect to local Roath businesses as much as I can. I know a lot have started selling their products and services online. I want to spend time compiling a list and share it here.
It's the only thing I can do to help right now.
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